Monday, November 19, 2012


Just how I wish that sometimes you would just give in and let my egos win.

Monday, November 12, 2012

When i'm all alone, I got all sentimental and stuffs. Fuck.

I'm a man. I don't express my feelings well. We all have those egos and manly stuffs that prevent us from doing what we actually feel like. However when you are alone, things are a bit different. You don't have to act all manly and cool.

The point is that today, when I was all alone on my bed, I just thought that, dude in a month's time, imma miss this kinda life. Imma miss the people around me, miss all the lepaks, karaoke sessions, futsal, dota, jokes, etc. My life may not be a complete one, I lack a lot of things, but you guys somehow made it felt complete. Thank you guys. Thank you for the memorable 5 and a half years together. Thank you for cheering me up whenever i'm down. Thank you for everything, literally.

Ok now that i've post this shitty post, i'm gonna go kill myself for being this sentimental. Cheers.

Oh ye mari aku nak belanja sikit. Kelik la link bawah ni tengok pegi ke tak pegi.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Music Video Lagi.

ADTR, celaka ape lu pergi Indonesia dengan Thailand tapi tak singgah Malaysia?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Current Addiction.

Ah... the attitude.

All hail the great white ninja!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Parallel Universe.

Maybe, just maybe a loser like me can be someone great in a parallel universe.

Fakri Saakrani pon mungkin power tahap Van Persie kot.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Ninjas are awesome, motherfuckers!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hari ni 20 Oktober 2011. Hari hartal Se-Malaysia. Aku tak tahu la kebetulan ke apa tapi hari ini kelas aku semua batal. Thanks lah lecturers.